Seriously Bad
The concept was overall boring and unoriginal, and the execution was terrible. There was really nothing to do, not unlike many other sims like this. You had no outside training, like reading books, etc.
The graphics were very poor. They were all either bitmap captures or bitmap traces. The fun was next to none. The soundtrack was a sub-par selection.
Things to improve on: make it more difficult, make there be a possibility to lose or get caught by the FBI or something. Make more screens, make more tasks, make more clickable icons, that sort.
Fun: 1/10 Bored out of my mind. it just dragged on.
Graphics: 2/10. Bitmap traces and bitmaps.
Gameplay: Boring, unorigainal, and overdone.
Music: Music was good, but selection was awful. The playlist lacked originality.
Actually like being a hacker: 1/10. Hackthissite [dot] org is not a site that necessarily supports hacking, rather expansion of ability. And it's not like someone can just click a button and steal credit cards and all that.
Achievements: Well done, you can achieve things. Wonderful. Too bad it doesn't say what the achievement is for, anywhere except for the tiny glimpse of a banner that you get when you actually unlock it. I'll have to take points away on that one.
Overall a bad game.