A lot of this was horribly wrong information.
Not only was the presentation rather bad and choppy, but a lot of the questions were incorrect as well. First off, Action Script 3 was NOT introduced with Flash CS3. It was actually introduced in Flash 9 Alpha, a modification for Flash 8. Basically, Flash 9A was Flash 8, but with the ability to do AS3.
The "custom cursor" effect is not an AS3 only effect. Rather, it is compatible with even AS1, and it is actually not a custom cursor at all. It is a hidden cursor with a movie clip drag element attached.
Adobe never dropped any features in Flash CS3. Only certain functions of script placement were changed to allow better and more efficient use of AS3.
The end questions were completely stupid and unrelated to the quiz.
Looks like you need to work on your flash knowledge as well, mah boi.
The presentation was horrible. The color scheme was not pretty, and the graphics were poorly designed, the facts were barely even researched, the music was annoying..
This was simply an awful flash.
To make it better, you need to take into consideration using a more aesthetic design, an easier to read and more contrasting font, more vibrant colors, a decent background, more decent animation and all that.
I didn't get a perfect score because some of the questions has practically made-up answers.
It was okay, it lacked humor, but overall, a vaguely valiant effort. 1/5, 3/10.
Improve the effort spent on stuff like this. Do good research and expand the questions. Add animation, cut scenes, little graphics between questions, take out the white noise from the sound track, add a background (animated) which takes up the entirety of the stage, add contrast, and you, my friend, would have a rather decent flash.
Sadly, this isn't.